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Smorgon District’s agriculture specializes in manufacturing meat and dairy products, in animal husbandry, production of grain, colza, sugar beet, flax, potato and vegetables. 2,480 work in the district’s agriculture.

There are nine agricultural enterprises and 31 farmers.

In the district there are three processing companies: Smorgonsky Dairy Products, Smorgonlen, and Smorgon Bread Product Plant.

In the district the agricultural company Sovkhoz Smorgonsky has commissioned a dairy farm for 862 heads of cattle. The cows are milked by robots. The agricultural company Sinki supplies cows.

Smorgon District agricultural companies have 50 cattle farms, including 33 dairy farms, enterprises to manufacture beef (Vishnevo) and Pork (Andreyevtsy). The farms are home to 26,600 heads of cattle, including 8,700 cows, and 25,200 pigs.

© Smorgon Regional Executive Committee, 2024.